Meet the Team : Carrie
Written by Julie
We are so very excited to kick off a new series on Wear + Where + Well. To begin, for those of you who are new around here (welcome! and so happy you’re here), WWW launched back in October of 2014, and has since grown into a fashion and lifestyle destination. It’s been an incredibly fun ride, and it’s not stopping anytime soon. As always, thank you so very much for your support. Whether you read, comment, tweet, follow along on Facebook, Instagram, or all of the above, it means the world to us that you’re here and we truly thank you for being the greatest readers and followers out there.
Over the past couple years, our team has grown from 1 to 6 (well, 7, if you include Spy). Some of us live here in Houston and some live out of town, but we all work wonderfully together, and have far too much fun, as well. You should see us at our meetings; let’s just say they are rather lengthy because we can’t stop talking and catching up prior to getting actual work done.
Well, now it’s time to introduce our team to all of you! We realized we have yet to truly introduce everyone. Yes, you’ve seen names in articles and on social media, but we want you to get to know all of us, so we’ve decided to kick off a ‘meet the team’ series that should be very fun to read.
As a quick aside, my name is Julie, and I joined the WWW team several months back, mostly working behind the scenes. However, I’m excited to come out from behind the screen and introduce myself. I’m so happy to be taking on a more prominent role as Senior Editor, and I can’t wait for all the exciting things in store for this site. However, we’ll get to me next time because today it’s all about our fearless leader, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of this site you’ve all come to love, Carrie Colbert.
Aside from being the most fabulous, with a killer wardrobe (which you all already know), Carrie is an incredible person. From her leadership skills to her work ethic to her creativity, I feel honored to get to work with her. She’s traveled the world, loves her pup, adores beautiful art, and her shoe collection is swoon-worthy. If you’ve met Carrie in person, you know she’s as sweet as she is stylish, and you’re going to love getting to know her better.
So, without further ado, let’s get into the questions. Some silly, some serious, and all fun. Enjoy!
Favorite place you’ve ever traveled and why?
Oh that’s a great question – and a hard question! I love to travel, and every travel experience is unique and holds special memories.
Some of the most interesting travel experiences include far flung locations like Russia (St Petersburg and Moscow), the Middle East (Dubai, Oman), and Vietnam.
As for European travels, London holds an extremely special place in my heart. And you just can’t beat Italy. The food, the culture, the natural beauty.
Now, I also love my vacations that include just relaxing by a pool or beach. The Andaz Papagayo in Costa Rica holds special memories for me in that regard.
But if I had to narrow it down and name my one favorite trip of all time, I would have to say the Virgin Islands. This was one of the first trips B and I took together. We chartered a boat and traveled around from island to island. We relaxed on the most pristine, untouched, uninhabited beaches. And we snorkeled in the most clear blue waters filled with the most colorful sea life. I really could go on and on about this trip. Indeed, it was truly magical.
Favorite color?
Hands down. Without a doubt. Always has been. I get my love of pink from my granny. 🙂
Favorite quote?
I love quotes! Business quotes, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes – I love them all! So, it’s hard to pick a favorite. But here are a few that come to mind right away:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Plato (though proper attribution is widely debated)
“Work hard and be nice to people.”
This one isn’t so much a quote as a motto, but I love it nevertheless. In fact, I had it framed to hang in my corporate office in my former life.
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” – John Wesley
And now for a lengthy but inspirational passage…
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt
I became familiar with this quote via Houstonian Dr. Brene Brown’s book named after the quote, Daring Greatly.
What’s in your purse right now?
My The Daily Edited wallet, Karen Walker ‘super duper’ sunglasses, Laura Mercier pressed powder, Nars lipsticks (‘jungle red,’ ‘scarlet empress,’ and ‘heat wave’ are my three go to shades), Burt’s Bees lip balm, Passport (in my Clare V passport case), and way too many cords — headphones, phone charger, computer power cord, etc.
All time holy grail beauty product?
Truth be told, I am incredibly basic with my skincare. Yikes – hopefully that is not catching up with me as I age. I do religiously get regular professional facials and treatments like peels.
But I do swear by La Mer renewal oil. I discovered this a few years ago while traveling. Somehow I had completely run out of moisturizer, so I swung by a store in the terminal at Heathrow airport. Rather than getting my usual La Mer moisturizer, the sales woman convinced me to try this new product. And boy do I love it! It keeps my skin feeling so soft and hydrated, a particularly good thing when traveling.
Yes, it’s one of those pricey beauty products, but I love it. Speaking of, it’s time for me to reorder!
Favorite item of clothing (or shoes or bag) and why?
Hmm… My Aquazzura pom pom heels (seen here) I bought last year still make me ridiculously happy. Speaking of, I just stumbled upon these Aquazzura pom pom heels I might have to get my hands on (also available in blue).
I really love my Chanel handbags. I remember the special story behind each one I’ve purchased. You see, I’m actually a very deliberate, thoughtful, slow-to-act shopper when it comes to big ticket items like that.
Fun fact about you that not many people know?
I’m totally an introvert. I don’t know if that is a “fun” fact. But it always surprises people with whom I have connected online. People sometimes have a preconceived notion that just because one has an online presence that one is social and outgoing.
Quite the opposite! While I do enjoy things such as public speaking, I then need my downtime to recharge after social engagements or events.
Speaking of, I just recently stumbled upon this interesting article that contends that there are four types of introverts.
Favorite hobby (or past time) when not working?
I am a golfer. I grew up playing competitively.
Although I don’t get to play much these days (it’s a time consuming sport), I still love the sport!
Favorite food?
If I had to name one single food as my favorite, I would say strawberries. Strawberries have always been my favorite since I was a little kid.
Now, if I could broaden the question, I love so many foods… I certainly can’t pass up fresh homemade pasta when in Italy – or anywhere for that matter. And as a Texan, I of course love Tex Mex every now and then.
Favorite TV show or movie?
Oh my goodness, we watch way too many TV shows! Current favorites include Homeland, Blacklist, and Quantico.
I’m also ridiculously addicted to HGTV, particularly Flip or Flop, Fixer Upper, and House Hunters. I turn it on as background noise.
What’s always in your bag, no matter what?
Chapstick / lip balm.
Ok, rapid fire round…
Beach or mountains?
Morning or night?
Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?
Spring and summer – I’m a warm weather gal!
Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, or Charlotte?
I don’t know – I never watched! I know – that’s shameful.
Book or Kindle/iPad?
Book. And preferably hardcover.
If you’re not already, follow Carrie along on Instagram (@carriec) and you can read even more about her in her bio here.
In Closing
There you have it! We hope you enjoyed the first installment of our ‘Meet the Team’ series, and make sure to check back weekly to get to know everyone else. And now, we’d love to hear from you. Tell us a little bit about yourselves in the comments below!
I loved this interview so-so much! Curious to read more about those 4 types of introverts! 🙂
Ah thanks for saying that, Anastasia! Notice your country made my top travel destinations. 😉
Hope all is well. Xo
Yessss, this made my heart melt a little! 🙂
🙂 Xo