Wednesday Words of Wisdom : 10.11.17
Written by Julie Weinstein
There’s no way to sugarcoat it. A lot of devastation has happened in our world lately. And it’s a tough pill to swallow. From historical natural disasters and mass shootings to the daily news we hear that isn’t always positive, it’s a crazy world in which we live.
And it’s really easy to feel helpless, confused, and just kind of lost and not know which direction to turn or how to even help.
Just Begin Helping
However, what if you just started to help? What if we all just started? Even in the smallest of ways; every little bit helps.
Because the thing is, you can’t expect the world to change if you don’t do anything to help it change. And, look, I’m not saying anything and everything is all just going to change drastically overnight. Of course not. It takes time, but it also takes effort. Effort from each and every one of us.
Just like you should treat a person how you’d like to and expect to be treated, you should think the same about the world, as a whole. Do unto this world how you would want it to exist for you.
If you don’t act, why would you expect someone else to?
Every Little Thing Helps
Don’t think I’m just one person and can’t make that big of a difference. Because you can make that big of a difference. Every little thing helps. Anything you can do to move this country and world in a positive direction is something.
At the end of the day, this is our world, so if we each contribute in some way or another to make it a better world, maybe one day it really will be a better world.
And wouldn’t that be nice?
Your Thoughts
What do you think? We’d love to hear in the comments below. And we hope you’ve been enjoying this series! Make sure you’re all caught up on the previous installments. And if you have been enjoying it, please share, pin, and forward onto friends!
Amy Tangerine
A huge thank you, as always, to the incredibly talented Amy Tangerine who designed the gorgeous art you see above.
Have a great rest of your day!
Watercolor design by Amy Tangerine