Letter from the Editor
Happy July, my color-loving friends! I usually try not to be basic and start every monthly letter with the trite, “How is it July already?” drivel that you hear and read everywhere each month. But this month I can’t resist. For some reason, the fact that it is July is hitting me hard. Maybe it’s because it means we are more than halfway through 2018. Maybe it is because my daughter is one now. Maybe it is because we have had a lot going on and I now find myself coming up for air. Maybe it’s just natural. As they say, the days are long but the years are short. Time flies. So it is incumbent on each of us to make the most of it.
Speaking of making the most of it, did you make a summer bucket list like I did? I’ll spare you a point by point update at this time, but suffice it to say we are checking some things off our list, and that’s been fun! I’ve found the bucket list to be a nice resource to consult for making plans and for impromptu fun.
For my fellow Americans, what’s on tap for your fourth of July holiday this week? It’s somewhat odd timing, with it being right in the middle of the week this year. We are still figuring out our exact plans, but it’ll be a fun one I’m sure.
If you’re still looking for a little inspiration for the patriotic holiday, may I suggest a few of our resources?
Stylish Ways to Wear Red, White, and Blue – without looking like an American flag
Patriotic Sangria – make this on-theme cocktail to ensure your status as the hostess with the mostess!
Watermelon Martini – can’t go wrong with watermelon (in martini form!) in the summertime