September 05, 2018

7 Reasons You Need to Take a Trip Alone

Solo travel is good for the mind, body, and soul.

Solo Travel

I’ve been keeping a secret. This summer, I took a trip. I didn’t mention it online, nor did I post anything on social media. But yet it still happened. Crazy to believe in this day and age, right? I say all of that somewhat tongue-in-cheek.

But the truth is that I needed an escape. A total escape. From work, from home, from being online, from emails, from social media, from everything. I needed to be by myself with only a book, a margarita, a pool, and a beach.

So, that’s just what I did! I booked a very last minute trip to Cabo. It was one of those life moments when the stars aligned and everything fell into place for this trip to happen. Not only did the stars align, but special friends and close family insisted I get away. As I hurriedly planned my trip, I vowed to put absolutely zero pressure on myself to capture any content for the blog or social media.

And you know what? It was amazing! I was gone for four days and three nights. I did nothing but bask in the sun, swim in the pool, walk on the beach, enjoy a few massages, and so on and so forth. I planned absolutely zero activities. I never put on makeup or got dressed up. I just focused on being.

After time to relax and reflect, I returned feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, restored, and reinvigorated.

It was truly a memorable time. I know I’ll look back on those days for many years as being just what the doctor ordered, so to speak. My soul was nourished.

This trip to Cabo was not by any means the first solo trip I had taken. Granted, it was definitely the most relaxing solo trip ever! But I’ve traveled quite a bit on my own. Two of my most memorable solo trips were to Paris, France and to Florence, Italy.

Anyway, this recent trip made me think a lot about the benefits of traveling alone. Unequivocally, traveling alone has such a different rhythm and cadence and feel than when traveling with someone else. I always feel especially enriched when I travel alone.

So with that in mind, I compiled a list of the top reasons you should consider taking a solo trip…

7 Reasons to Travel Solo

1. Solo travel is empowering!

There’s a certain sense of accomplishment when you plan and navigate a trip on your own – particularly if it’s an international or overseas adventure.

Now, I will point out that I think about travel in two different categories: vacations and adventures. My Cabo trip was definitely a vacation. Traveling to Europe is an adventure – particularly when done solo! For me, personally, I find those adventurous trips so empowering. I learn that I can do it – whatever “it” is. I am brave, I am courageous, I am strong. Traveling alone reminds me of those simple truths.

2. Solo travel gives you freedom.

When else do you experience this level of independence? You get to do what you want to do when you want to do it! That may sound selfish, but it’s true. You don’t have to compromise how you spend your time. You are in total control of crafting the experience you wish to have. This level of freedom is rarely afforded to us in our everyday lives. So, take advantage of it.

3. Solo travel pushes you beyond your comfort zone.

Both literally and figuratively. Being away from the safety of home and your usual people pushes you out of your comfort zone. Experiencing new cultures broadens your horizons.

4. Solo travel provides opportunity for growth.

This somewhat goes back to point number two – being in control. This travel time is yours to spend as you wish. So do what you need to to nourish your soul. Maybe that’s roaming around a new city. Or perhaps it’s immersing yourself in a book. Or maybe you could use some time for meditation. Whatever you need for growth, give yourself that gift.

5. Solo travel allows for self discovery.

Who are you? Really, at the core of your being. Sure, you can examine this on an epic level while traveling. But you can also explore yourself in the seemingly small aspects of a trip. What kind of food do I like? What sort of music do I enjoy? Do I like to sleep in or get up early? Do I prefer sunrises or sunsets? Find what makes you happy – and then do more of that.

6. Solo travel opens you up to new connections.

Sure, personal safety must always be protected. But undoubtedly, you will strike up new connections during your journey. Whether it’s a friendly conversation with the bartender or talking with someone while gazing at a masterpiece in a museum, you’re bound to interact with people you might normally overlook when traveling in a group.

Truly, there is more that unites us as humans than divides us. When we can find those commonalities and appreciate our differences, we connect in a powerful way.

7. Solo travel can reset the course of your life.

Really! And I don’t mean to be overly dramatic with this one. Sure, you might meet someone in Italy and fall madly in love and move there and get married. But more so, I’m talking about the subtle ways in which solo travel can serve as a reset.

Maybe you feel the same way I did this summer… You just need to catch your breath. A moment to pause – away from the stresses and hustle and bustle of everyday life – can serve to reset your life.

The real reset comes from the 6 R’s of traveling I mentioned earlier: relaxation, reflection, refreshment, rejuvenation, restoration, and reinvigoration. A trip that incorporates any combination of these will in some way reset your life – or at least your perspective on life. And isn’t that somewhat the same thing? I think so.

In Closing

You don’t need anyone else to enjoy a vacation. Traveling alone can be intimidating, but the benefits run deep. Life is for the living. Go take that solo adventure or vacation you’ve been dreaming of. Trust me – you won’t regret it. You’ll likely come back an even better version of yourself.

I know that I look back on my solo travel as defining moments of my life journey. Those trips have enriched me so much. They’ve provided so much more than just memories and photos and souvenirs. They have nourished my soul in profound ways.

I wish the same for you as you embark on solo travel.

And I’d also love to hear your thoughts on traveling alone. Have you ever done so? Planing to do so? Share in the comments below if you’d like.

Have a great day!


  1. Kim says:

    I love this! I’ve never taken a solo trip and I’m 52 years old. I think it is high time. Thanks for writing this.

    1. Awesome! No better time than now.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. Can’t wait to hear where you go.

  2. Liz says:

    I’ve taken several solo trips since being divorced with grown children. It’s one of the best things to do to get rejuvenated and restore your soul. We love our babies but sometimes a getaway is best for us all! Some friends will worry about you…..but your best friends will tell you “You go girl”! Cabo is one of my favorite places to go and do nothing. Thank you for this article.

    Aunt Lizard

    1. Aunt Lizard – you are the best! The whole team loves you. When can we hang out again?

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