Changes Around Here
Now, let’s talk about all the changes around here. I know, I know… change can be hard, frustrating, and overwhelming.
While our old website was boring and outdated (in my opinion), you as the reader knew how to navigate it, I bet. And while this new site is pretty darn wonderful (in my opinion), you might still be scratching your head a little bit as you try to figure out what’s going on.
Well, let me break it down for you. Here are the essentials you need to know:
1. Everyday, we are publishing two new pieces of colorful, original content!
Yep – two new posts everyday!
– One of those daily posts will be a long-form article. It may be a fashion article, a DIY project, a food recipe, an entertaining article, or whatever. You can find that article front and center on the homepage each and every day. If you miss a day, just click on “recent posts” on the top menu.
– The other daily post will be a new outfit. Each and every day, you can find fresh outfit inspiration including a style tip from me! That look will be featured on the homepage, just under the main article. Or, you can always click on “looks” on the top menu.
So, basically you have two places to look everyday. Got it? Make sense? Good! 🙂
– Our holiday catalog. For the rest of the year you’ll also see our holiday gift catalog up at the top of the homepage. You can read about the catalog here, and be sure to check it out for all your gifting needs!
2. Every week, I share my weekly shopping selections.
You can see my weekly top 10 (or more!) picks on the homepage near the bottom where it says “Carrie Curates”. This section is updated every Monday, so be sure to check it out to find out what I’m loving around the internet each week!
3. And, last but certainly not least, we have our own store!
Yep, that’s right – our very own online store! Splendor Made is the name, and you can access it by visiting directly. Or, just click shop on the top right menu of the homepage. We’ve curated special, exclusive, unique colorful goods just for you! And believe it or not, everything in the store is less than $100!
In fact, we have a very exciting announcement regarding our store coming Tuesday. Make sure you are signed up for our email list to be the first to know!
Read more about the store here. Also, did you see this weekend’s article showing how some of our favorite influencers styled our shirts?
As well, did you see yesterday’s Sunday Source? We are dipping our toes in the video arena and shared our second ever video (first one here!). Plus, we shared an invitation to our holiday party this week (you can RSVP here)!
Wow! Such exciting stuff. Congratulations and best wishes!
Thank you so very much, Cristina! Hope y’all are well.